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Aaron J Robinson
Worship Artist
Born in Michigan and mostly raised in Indiana, Aaron J Robinson’s music career goes all the way back to playing in churches with his parents and four older siblings. The group, jokingly referred to as the "family von Trapp," would sometimes find Aaron hiding under the pews to avoid singing solos. Through many years, lots of bands, and a degree in music theory/composition, Aaron's stage fright has somewhat subsided. Today he’s a worship leader, recording artist, and producer. 

" . . . I love when music transports me to a different world. But I’m hoping my music will enter into your world, right where you are, and allow you to be okay with what’s there. Pain, grief, joy, excitement—we all experience these emotions at some point. I’d like to offer an accompaniment track to these . . . " 

As a solo artist, Aaron finds his biggest influences in the thoughtful songwriting of Andrew Peterson, the heartfelt worship of All Sons & Daughters, and the musical styles of Foy Vance, The Brilliance, and NEEDTOBREATHE . His second album Love Struggle was Kickstarter-funded, and features musicians who have performed with Sara Groves, Emmylou Harris, and The Civil Wars. His musical adventures have taken him from playing local shows to opening for John Mark McMillan on the Borderland tour. 

Currently, he lives and makes music in Indianapolis with his piano-playing, business-ninja wife Amber, and some of the sibs he grew up playing music with. He enjoys Fruity Pebbles as an ice cream topping and understands the deep joy of a brand new pair of socks.

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